Sound Scene Express

Aliens Steal Riffs From Greywalker

soundsceneexpress March 7, 2016 No Comments on Aliens Steal Riffs From Greywalker

Metal band Greywalker just released a video for “Beyond All Mortal,” where aliens invade their studio space and suck the music right from their bodies. After seeing the band on the cover of GearWank magazine, the aliens see Greywalker as their ticket to win a talent show. Greywalker ends up at the Steel City Con Comic Con of all places to catch their alien thief’s. They eventually find them at the talent show and beat the snot out of them, regaining their power of the riff. The video was shot by JT Penderville, Nick Prezioso, Becca Henke and edited by Brian Howe. Check out the video above.

You can catch Greywalker this Friday with Spike the Tomb and Incinerate Creation at the Smiling Moose. The 21+ show will run from 9pm-2am and is only $5.

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