By Duncan H. Ros and Randy Jarosz
The Big Chill
Winter Formal Event
Event date: February 17th, 2017
The same people that founded and host R.A.N.T. (Rock All Night Tour)–one of Pittsburgh’s largest annual music parties–will be putting on an event called The Big Chill this Valentine’s weekend, February 17th, at James Street Gastropub and Speakeasy.
The Big Chill is a spin off of the former Snowball, that had been hosted at Cattivo and the Oaks Theater in the past.
This year, in the spirit of diversity and inclusivity, the event boasts ten local bands (listed below). “One thing we’re particularly proud of is that the event is gender inclusive…with 4 of the 10 bands having female representation. It’s easy to book shows with the same groups and friends and such, and there’s typically no ill-intention…” says organizer Andrew Belsick. “We’re looking to continue this trend with R.A.N.T. as well. While the festival is always open to everyone (we don’t turn anyone down, we find everyone a home) and has been inclusive from multiple perspectives, we want to up our game. It’s not enough to simply be “open” to everyone…you need to seek diversity out,” he continues.
The crowning of prom royalty and free prom photos from 8-10 along with a 50/50 raffle with half of the proceeds going towards the ACLU are all new to the event this year.
Each band will perform a 40 minute set. 5 bands will be in the speakeasy while the other 5 are in the ballroom. Set times will be staggered as such so catching partial sets of all bands will be possible.
Bad Custer
Brazilian Wax
Chet Vincent & The Big Bend
Garter Shake
Grand Piano
Steeltown Horns
The Me Toos
The Park Plan
Vertigo Go
The show starts at 8pm and has a $10 cover. See the event page HERE.