Sound Scene Express

Tonight: Nate Allen and the Pac-Away Dots Play Roboto

Nate Allen of the eccentric duo Destroy Nate Allen which also features his wife Tessa Allen, is making a stop on his midwest tour at Mr. Roboto Project. His latest venture is Nate Allen and the Pac-Away Dots, started after the relentless touring of his previous band. “Something needed to change. I needed to slow down and apologize for the nonstop pace I had dragged my wife/bandmate, Tessa, through. Staying constantly busy including going back to college, recording many albums and playing over 800 shows since 2007,” said Allen in a recent blog post on his website.

Allen’s new album “Take Out the Trash” is a complete divergence from his prior material with a little bit of blues, folk and punk mixed together, but still has elements focused on his hometown of Roseburg, Oregon. Allen spent some time at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, where recent a shooting had swept the campus. Allen will be playing some songs in the victims honor. Nate Allen is joining Self Proclaimed Narcissist, another Roseburg, Oregon band on this date. Doors open at 7pm, tickets only $5.

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