Sound Scene Express

Spencer Sutherland Interview

soundsceneexpress May 16, 2016 No Comments on Spencer Sutherland Interview

Spencer Sutherland is a self taught pop singer from the Columbus, Ohio area. He has released two singles and an acoustic EP. Right now he is is working on his debut full length and recently wrapped up a headlining tour making a stop at the Rex Theater March 29. Sutherland was just in town yesterday for a meet and greet at South Side Comics in the South Side. Our reporter Molly Vettori had a chance to ask him a few questions, check it out below.

Gorgeous. One word for how I would describe Spencer Sutherland. Not just his physical appearance but his voice too. The up and coming sultry pop star has a unique sound making him different than anyone in the game right now. I got an opportunity to have a Q & A with Spencer and ask him a few questions.

Molly Vettori: For our readers that have never heard your music before, how would you describe your sound?

Spencer Sutherland: First – Thank you for supporting me guys!
I would describe my sound as vocal driven pop RnB with a small twist of soul 🙂

MV: I asked some girls what they wanted to know about you and the most popular question (the answer isn’t even on Google!)… are you single?

SS: Hahahaha this is so awesome. Maybe more fun if it’s never on Google 😉

MV: The second most popular question is was there an influence that made you write Bad Influence with your friends, Emblem 3?

SS: Yes! For sure! I think everyone’s been in a position where they know someone or something is bad for them, but it’s so hard to say no. It’s like a crazy temptation you know? And, lets just say – there might have been a particular someone that inspired us to write about…

MV: I personally feel like you have a unique pop sound… I personally love your covers (Same Old Love is great). Who did you look up to and was influential when creating your own sound?

SS: Thank you so much! I appreciate that! I have a real mix of influences – Bruno Mars, Justin Timberlake, Stevie Wonder, Marvin, MJ and my first and biggest one: Elvis! All for different reasons too. I didn’t really try to create an exact sound, I guess all my inspirations help mold it!

MV: If you weren’t doing music/modeling as a career, what would you be doing?

SS: NOTHING! Haha man I don’t know. Thats not an option. Pretty much everyone has a passion – something that motivate and drives them and music is mine so it would be a pretty empty life without it haha.

MV: If you could have lunch with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

SS: ELVIS for sure. I would have an endless list of questions for him. I’m sure there’s a ridiculous amount of tips I could learn from someone who broke though barriers and influenced so many – leaving such a lasting impression.

MV: What are 5 things you can’t live with out?

SS: My family, friends, music, fitness and my phone!!!

MV: What are your favorite things to do in your free time?

SS: I love to workout and cook! Also I love to watch Netflix, but try to keep it to a minimum because we all know it can get pretty addicting haha. Actually I’ve also been really into playing Basketball! Everyone in LA plays and it’s so fun!!!

MV: What’s your moto or advice you live by?

SS: You only have one life, so look at it passionately and take chances! Or in Hannah Montana’s words “Life’s what you make it, so let’s make it rock.”

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