Suavity’s Mouthpiece
Released May 21, 2016
“Bellows” presents a unique, unclassifiable sound showcasing the playful attitude Suavity’s Mouthpiece has towards style and genres. A vast variety of approaches are showcased throughout the collection from a sly kind of funk to an almost dreamy form of psychedelia. Throughout it all Suavity’s Mouthpiece refuse to be pigeonholed opting to instead traverse vast seas of unstable sound. Occasionally their off-kilter take feels reminiscent of Red Krayola’s odd, weirdly affecting work. Vocals serve as the heart and center of the collection with a deep resonant voice working perfectly with the often dream-like nature of the lyrics. Lyrics are poetic in nature showing off a highly personal, deeply felt approach. Styles are woven together from gypsy folk to a tender form of slow-core.
Things start off on a high note with the crooning low-key “Chassis.” From the slight lilt of the accordion to the eclectic nature of the instrumentation, the song begins the collection with just the right amount of color. A little bit of electric punctuates the highly articulate loving longing “Sugarcoating It.” With an atmospheric almost funky approach the grows in size and scope. By far the highlight of the collection is the tragic “You Clearly Picked A Winner.” J. Trafford’s carefully crafted story feels particularly real, sad to its very core, as it captures the oddity of attending someone else’s wedding. Bringing the collection to a close is the cryptic “No Bake Cherry Cheesecake.”
Creating an entire universe of odd orbits and lovelorn loveliness, Suavity’s Mouthpiece develops beautiful tender textures on Bellows. You can catch J. Trafford performing the works of Suavity’s Mouthpiece Saturday, May 21 at City Grows in Lawrenceville with Lemonade Girl, Llore and Lorenzo’s Oil. Doors open at 7pm and admission is $5.