Sound Scene Express

Turn to Crime, Turn to Pittsburgh

soundsceneexpress April 27, 2015 No Comments on Turn to Crime, Turn to Pittsburgh

Turn To Crime
Stage AE
April 20, 2015

Photos and review by Randy Jarosz

Detroit’s Turn to Crime opened up for Modest Mouse April 20th on the heels of their latest album “Actions,” that will be released April 28 on Derek Stanton’s Mugg and Bopp Records. Stanton along with bassist Ian Saylor and keyboardist Dorian Foerg didn’t let the massive sold out crowd at Stage AE sike them out, as Stanton addressed the crowd, jokingly calling it “modest.” “We’re going to warm up Modest Mouse,” said Stanton, before opening with “This is What You Wanted,” also the first track on their new release.

You aren’t going to get flashy guitar solos and certainly no crafty drum work from these guys, especially because they don’t use a drummer at all, unless it’s manufactured from a drum machine. Stanton and company rattled off many of their new tracks in their short set with highlights, “Without A Care,” and “Prince of Slackers.” The laid back “Actions,” seemed to resonate with fans as many bobbed their head to the melancholy tune. Their experimental sound was a great way to bring on the legends that are Modest Mouse; the Detroit rockers didn’t waste the opportunity of putting their unorthodox sounds in the ears of a ton of new fans.

It might be quite some time before Turn To Crime can sell out Stage AE on their own, in the mean time hears hoping they make an appearance real soon at Club Café or any Pittsburgh venue for that matter. We already know the guys will have no issues coming back as they posted on their Facebook page after the show, “Pittsburgh is a damn fine city! Top 5 easily!” and posed the question Mineo’s or Aiello’s pizza. Damn these guys learn quick.

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